Amazing facts about dolphins

Here's 11. facts about dolphins that you might not know. 

Dolphins are aquatic mammals that have always fascinated humans. Kids and adults have learned to respect a marine creature that sometimes
 behaves like humans.

1:-Dolphins are piscivores, and eat around 35 pounds of fish every day, including squid and crustaceans;

2:- Dolphins don't drink water because they get it from the food they eat

3:-Dolphins have two stomachs - one of storing food and another one for digestion;

4:-Dolphins are believed to have the longest memory in the animal kingdom;

5:-Dolphins are believed to have the longest memory in the animal kingdom

6:-Dolphins can use their noses to kill sharks;

7:-dolphins can't breathe underwater, they need to swim up to the ocean's surface to get air.Dolphins typically resurface to breathe three-to-five times per minute, but they can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes;
8:-Dolphins have few enemies - only the great white shark, tiger shark, dusky shark, and the bull shark can be considered userious threats;

9:-A group of dolphins is named a "school." Female dolphins are "cows," male dolphins are "bulls," and juveniles are "calves";
10:The brain of a dolphin is bigger than the brain of a monkey.
11:-killer whale is also belong to dolphin family.
Lifespan: Killer whale: 29 years, Striped dolphin: 55 – 60 years, Short-finned pilot whale: 45 years, more
Length: Killer whale: 6 – 8 m, Common bottlenose dolphin: 2 – 4 m, Striped dolphin: 2.6 m


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